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Bernard Rimland PhD – Autism

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This is the transcript of my interviews with Dr Rimland in 2005. Formatting and video clips to come.

CAT: Rimland

TITLE: bio

TAGS: ARI, book

IMP: 4

A (Andrew): Could you tell us a little about the history of The Autism Research Institute.


O (Bernard): The Autism Research Institute was founded by me way back in 1967. I had founded the Autism Society of America two years earlier in 1965 and had published a book on Autism, called Infantile Autism several years before that and so I was regarded as the fellow who is upsetting the psychiatric establishment with regard to their beliefs about the cause of autism and I believed firmly then as I do now that autism is a biological part of disorder, not an emotional dysphoria, so I started the Autism Research Institute as a means of keeping track of the world literature and world studies on autism related disorders to see what was being discovered.


A: Okay. And a lot of this I pulled it off your web site, you have to forgive me if a question sound oddly familiar to you but.

O: It was much too longer an answer for which you wanted to outline.

A: No, no that is just great. Could you contrast your achievements over the last 40 years to the goals that medical establishments stated at their 2003 summit in Washington DC? There it was stated that they wanted to lessen the symptoms within the 7 to 10 years to find a drug that would do that.




TITLE: Nutrients vs drugs

TAGS: Masking vs treating

IMP: 4


O: I have held for many many decades that drugs do not cure diseases, especially diseases like autism, they merely mask the symptoms, the medical establishments position that they are going to find a drug in 7-10 years that would address the symptoms of autism I regard as absurd because right now today we have thousands of autistic children who has recovered as a result of their being treated effectively without drugs.




CAT: Vaccines

TITLE: Safety

TAGS: Mercury

IMP: 4

TAGS: Funding research on vaccines & mercury vs autism

A: You mentioned funding research that was politically incorrect because it implicated vaccines and the mercury they contain, so that they could never hold to get funding from the NIH or the greater institutes on autism, why would these centers refuse research in that direction.


O: The federal government by which I refer to the FDA and the centers for disease control, also the National Institutes of Health have taken a position that vaccines are perfectly safe and are necessary and that the mercury in them is not that harmful, those are all quite incorrect assumptions and when the evidence points as it does to the idea to the fact that these vaccines are important reason for the tremendous increase in the prevalence of autism those federal agencies and the other big funding agencies, private agencies don’t like it at all because it shows that they have not done their job properly, have not done their homework and they have not acted responsibly to protect the public against unsafe vaccines.




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Described



A: And could you briefly describe autism?


O: Autism was formerly a very rare disorder,

now it is quite common unfortunately in which the children look perfectly normal like any other kid except that they do not behave normally.

They don’t usually look at people, they look through people,

they have strange restlesstic behaviors, hand flapping or repetitive actions like pulling both towers of blocks and knocking them down and doing nothing else,

they don’t develop language appropriately,

they have all kinds of these problems which are very strange in a child who looks perfectly normal.




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Described

TAGS: Spectrum


A: Now, it is described as a spectrum, so could you give us a little bit of information towards that, how can parents kind of get an idea if the behavior of their child needs to be examined further?


O: (clears throat).


The reasons they refer to autism as a spectrum is that it varies greatly in terms of its severity, some children are very rarely affected, they are just little bit peculiar, they will little go down the odd side, they have good language skills but they may have some social skill deficits, other kids are very severely affected and don’t engage in conversations or any actions with other people at all and that this is a very wide range affected behaviors and that is why autism is referred to as a spectrum, child can be severely affected or just slightly affected.


A: Okay. Let me just get a little bit too much __4:57___.



CAT: Autism

TITLE: Described, Frequency

TAGS: early versus late onset


O: One thing you didn’t ask me about was the early versus late onset symptoms of autism.

A: Right.

O: That is important.

A: You can just lead into it if you want and then say another thing that is important to look at is, you know, the factor that it could come up as a regression, whichever way you want to go into it.


O: When my autistic son was born, way back in 1956, autism was extremely rare, there was about only one child for 10,000 births, who was autistic, extremely rare. Our pediatrician, who had been in practice for 35 years at that time had never seen or heard of an autistic child, nowadays the vast majority of children who are autistic and the rate has gone up now to 60 per 10,000; one per 10,000 to 60 per 10,000. The vast majority of children who are autistic start their autism during the second year of life, they are normal for most of their first year of life then when they start getting a bunch of vaccines in the second year of life in the age of 12 to 15 months or so, then they become autistic, that group of children is called late onset progressive autism compared to the early onset autism which were the only kind that was seen when my child was born back in 1956.




CAT: Autism

TITLE: treatment

TAGS: diet


A: Now, as I read through few of your studies that you referred to on the site, it shows that you have a much better chance of treating children if the treatment starts early, could you give some advice to parents towards the symptoms they should really look forward and how important it is to actually get the treatment started early.


O: One of the widespread beliefs about autism, this one is true, is truly is that the earlier you start treatment, the better off the child will be, early intervention is important, there are several kinds of early intervention, one kind is behavioral intervention, there is a procedure called ABA, Applied Behavioral Analysis where discrete child learning, however, different terms were applied where the child is taught using very carefully defined one on one procedures. I am particularly interested, however, on the early intervention with the medical kinds of things. High doses of vitamin B6 for example or another nutritional supplement called DMG, those can be very very helpful. Another early intervention, which is very important is dietary restriction. Many children have improved remarkably when certain sources of protein are removed from their diet; a gluten and casein free diet, I am referring they avoid wheat and wheat like products and dairy products and then the autistic children improve remarkably on those things. In the earlier of those things, we started obviously the better is for the child.




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Frequency

TAGS: then vs now


A: Okay. You mentioned that at the time of your son’s birth it was 1 in 10,000 occurrence, where are we today in 2005?


O: The most recent statistics are 1 child in 166 births, which they announced as 60 per 10,000, that is 60 times common now as it was in 1950s when my son was born.


A: That is a staggering increase. I have heard some people say that they think that autism is mostly genetics, I mean, I don’t know if you agree with me that genetics, a 60-fold increase over 50 years, we cannot have that kind of play in a gene pool, what causes do you think could parallel this kind of an expansion.



CAT: Autism

TITLE: Genetics


IMP: 2


O: I was the first person to systematically present data to show that there was a strong genetic component in autism and my autism book published in 1964, I showed that if the children were twins, if they were identical twins, both twins were autistic, if there were fraternal twins, only one was autistic, I was the first person to demonstrate that, so I obviously believe that genetics are involved, however, genetics are not the important component of this huge increase in a prevalence of autism


And now



CAT: Autism

TITLE: Genetics


IMP: 4


the reason genetics play a role on autism is that some people are very much more sensitive to mercury than other people.




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Genetics


IMP: 2



There has been research that showed that some people can tolerate 10,000 times as much mercury with no apparent harm as other people,




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Genetics


IMP: 4



that may sound strange except as you know one person maybe able to eat a couple of pounds of strawberries with no harm whereas another person he has a strawberry and dies for example or peanuts the same way, you can eat handfulls of peanuts with no problem or if your body is genetically or otherwise sensitive to peanuts, you can be killed with a single peanut,


that is the way it is with mercury,


now there is huge amounts of mercury in many of the vaccines and as the number of vaccines have increased




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Genetics


IMP: 2



and they have increased from three, when my son was an infant to 22 now, so a huge increase, and

as that increase in vaccines has gone up




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Genetics


IMP: 4



so has the incidents of autism




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Genetics


IMP: 2



and large part of that problem is the genetic differences between people and their sensitivity to vaccine or to the mercury in vaccines.




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Causes

TAGS: Vaccines

IMP: 4


A: I have heard actually it is stated that now the mandated schedule for vaccines by the time a child is 18 years old, it is actually 48 vaccines that they receive.

O: Yes.

A: And I have heard that when a child comes into a hospital who is not up-to-date on the vaccines that they are systematically brought up to date whenever they come in, now a lot of parents have said that they have noticed them developing autistic like symptoms or developmental problems immediately after this type of a huge catch up dose, what are your thoughts on that, have you seen any evidence towards that.


O: There is no question whatever that the vaccines cause many cases of autism,

there are 1000s of parents who have video tapes of their children,

normal happy children playing tag with each other,

running around, playing pick-a-boo with parents,

pretty normal children then that kid gets vaccinated

and within days or sometimes as long as weeks,

often within days,

the child becomes listless,

begins lose contact with reality,

the speech disappears and the kid becomes autistic,

these parents are not making it up,

they have the before and after videos,

they have witnesses,

they have medical records,

it is very very clear that the medical treatment called vaccines,

vaccinations are the major cause of the problem.

It is also very true that there are many lawsuits going on now where the parents are suing the drug companies for having put out these unsafe vaccines

and in order to protect themselves from these large lawsuits, the drug companies have been spreading misinformation about the dangers of vaccines,

there is no doubt in the minds of scientists

that people who are paid by the drug companies are connected to the drug companies,

scientists like myself are independent,

have nothing to gain or lose that the vaccines are the cause of the autism epidemic.




CAT: Politics


TAGS: working for PHARMA?

IMP: 4

A: Now, as far as I know, the FDA advisory board, it is actually made up of people that actually work for the pharmaceutical industry?


O: To a large extent, the vast majority of FDA advisors are people who have connections, they get grants from the drug companies, colleges for whom they work in medical schools, also get grants, they are not independent at all.


A: And, what you think what have to happen in order for the FDA to actually step up to the plate for something to be done since so many fingers are pointing at the vaccines have actually.


A: Ya. Okay. I have actually interviewed with Dr. VOJDANI, he is an immunologist.

O: I know him, a very good guy.



CAT: Vaccines

TITLE: Safety

TAGS: Mercury, when will it end?

IMP: 5

A: Right, and he basically states that we have everything that we need now in order to separate mercury from vaccines

and some of them are actually done that way

but it seems that the old stock needs to be liquidated

before the new stock would move in and use

and not even all of the vaccines will be made mercury-free,

what has to be done for this to change?


O: I think that a number of these cases have to come to court and the companies,

vaccine manufacturers have to be hit with million dollar legal fees or compensation fees,

so they realize that they cannot continue to poison children and cause autism without losing millions and millions of dollars.

When they realize that it is going to be more expensive for them to refuse to change,

then they will change but not until then.




CAT: Vaccines

TITLE: Safety

TAGS: Delaying, Vitamin cover

IMP: 5

TITLE: what could be done to protect our kids from the environmental exposures

A: So, now with 1 in 166 becoming autistic and the numbers increasing, what can the parents do. Would you give advice to parents who is about to have a child, young infants, what could be done to protect our kids from the environmental exposures?


O: Well, that there is a big question, there are many things that a parent can do, for one thing the vaccines, all the vaccines should be delayed as long as possible, weeks or months, just don’t get the kid vaccinated, if they must be vaccinated get them vaccinated at the oldest age possible. The spin is giving the child vaccines right in the hospitals is a very very bad thing to do, there is a child’s liver and the detoxification capabilities are very poor at that point. Another thing is that you do not ever give the child a vaccine or a let a child get vaccinated if the child is sick in anyway or is recently been sick. If the immune system is compromised in some way then the child should not be vaccinated. So another thing that can be done, it should be done is that the child should be given a lot of nutritional supplements, especially vitamin C and vitamin A.

Vitamin C is very powerful protection against vaccine damage,

in fact

Dr. Archie Kalokerinos of Australia reduced the death rate

from 1 a child every 2 to just like zero

by giving children lots of vitamin C

before and after they were vaccinated

and of course it is not just vitamin C which is important

but other vitamins as well,

so the kids should be getting lots of vitamins,

especially vitamin C

and should not be sick in anyway, shape or form

when the vaccines are given.

The vaccine should be delayed as long as possible,

under no circumstances should a vaccine containing mercury be given to any child,

especially a child who has autism in the family

and as for other administrations as well but those are the main ones.




CAT: Vaccines

TITLE: Safety

TAGS: Contraindications


A: And what about infants where the family has a predisposition to certain types of diseases, eczema, seizure, strokes, a lot of time the vaccine manufacturers’ warning labels themselves say that these are contraindications but as far as I know there is no screening done on the babies that are vaccinated, what are your thoughts on what are the conditions that could predispose the complications in parents that have certain family history should avoid.


O: Yes, its certainly true that there is lot of kinds of contraindications such as I said before if a child is sick or if the child has a predisposition to seizures adjudged to the family history, all kinds of reasons for either delaying or refusing the vaccines.




CAT: Vaccines

TITLE: Efficacity




The vaccines are not nearly as efficient in protecting against diseases as the public has been led to believe,


most of the vaccines that are given did not… uh… cause a decrease in those diseases.


The diseases have begun to decline on their own including polio, which is the poster child you might say for the vaccine movement, the polio rate had been dropping very sharply for many decades before the polio vaccine was first administered and giving the vaccines to the kids did not make much of a difference in terms of protecting the kids,


so I think the parents really ought to study the matter,

I think physicians also ought to study the matter


and to look with great skepticism on the claims of the centers for disease control and the drug companies

that the vaccines are wonderfully protective against diseases,

they are not nearly as good,

nor nearly as safe as they are said to be.




CAT: Autism

TITLE: Causes

TAGS: Vaccines

IMP: 4

TITLE: Quacks & the 3 causes of Autisms?

A: Now, another claim that I hear often versus practitioners of alternative medicine and mega dose vitamin supplements, they say that they were divided over the possible causes of autism. They say how can mercury be causing autism and we are also claiming the MMR vaccine which is causing autism or that it could be from a gut infection coming from intolerances or allergies, how do these three different causes tie in together, do they separate out or they are not interchangeable to could they not work together, what is the problem with these three different theories.


O: In some cases, the child is predisposed to have autism,

so that any one of those possible causes could bring about the problem,

in other cases it requires several other problems in order to bring about autism with regard to the mercury in a large situation that is actually pretty simple.

At the time the kid is given the MMR vaccine, measles, mumps and rubella, which does not contain mercury, here she has been given great many shots, probably 13 or so shots containing mercury and the mercury has many adverse affects on the body including disabling the immune system,

so that when you give a live viruses in the measles virus, the measles vaccine to a child,

whose immune system has been impaired by having had a much of mercury before that,

the child’s ability to deal with those viruses is greatly impaired,

also mercury helps destroy the intestinal mucosal lining of the intestinal tract, which is supposed to be intact so that viruses and other kinds of contaminants that get into the food supply and to the body via a food chain do not get into the blood stream.

The mercury destroys the mucosal lining of the intestinal tract and allows those viruses in the measles vaccine to get into the body, into the blood stream and into the intestinal wall

and proliferate there,

so there is interaction of various kinds that we are talking about.



A: Okay. You had mentioned polio is supposed to __21:14___ vaccines. I find that interesting because in the research that I am doing mainly on vitamin C, as you know of Dr. Klenner’s work.

O: Yes.

A: Klenner.

O: Yes.

A: In 1949, apparently he went to the American Medical Association convention on discussing treatments for polio and he claimed that he had 60 cases of polio that he cured with vitamin C and apparently this was ignored because of __21:41___ experiments that were _____ one of the guys that retook _____ experiments and said that they could not really work against polio and then after they kind of let that go, so when Klenner came by a couple of years later, they just ignored him plus he was _____ to general practitioner from North Carolina, so there was no point listening to him when they had all these great scientific minds together, do you think that it is actually feasible that an intravenous sodium ascorbate could have cured polio.


CAT: Polio

TITLE: sugar


IMP: 2


O: There is no doubt in my mind that is real possibility.

There is some evidence of a major component to the vulnerability to polio is excessive consumption of sugar,

sugar has a very adverse downgrading affect on immune system

and most of the cases of polio occurred during the summer when the kids were eating lots and lots and lots of ice cream.

I in some of my literature that I have,

I have got tons of literature on the vaccine problems and polio, and so forth, uh

it turns out that there is some studies there were ignored that show the higher, in any area.

The higher the consumption of ice cream and other sugar laden foods, very popular in the summer,

the more likely the kid was to get polio.



O: Could you hang on a second. Let me. I want to get something that can go on videotape.

A: Okay. Can you just get a count down after you just __23:21___.


O: You see, right now we are looking through this book to find some of those graphs that I want to show on the screen, I think you’ll find that very interesting. You’re audience’ll find that very interesting.


CAT: Vaccines

TITLE: Efficacity

TAGS: Polio, measles, progression



In 1923 through 1973 and these lines, this is the percentages of deaths from polio, as you can see it was dropping sharply both in the US and UK and here is when the vaccine was administered, this is the live vaccine that was administered, this is the live vaccine was adminsered, the polio salk vaccines, or the polio and the Sabin and you can see adding the vaccines did not make a difference at all. The downward slope just continued in both countries and that is for polio and here we have the same thing for measles,

everyone says that all measles have been eradicated as a result of the vaccines, here you see that both in the UK and US, in 1915 through 1965,

the death rate just kept dropping, dropping and dropping,

at this point is when the measles vaccine was added

but the death rate already had dropped

and the vaccine had nothing to do with it

and similarly with pertussis death rate, both in the US and UK,

the death rate was diminishing adding the vaccine did nothing.



A: Ya, it actually came out pretty well on camera just as you were going through it, if you want to just keep going with that and then just mention of the book and I can show the book in after but right there I can actually see when you are talking through it I can see the graphs very well. I was catching you okay through that.

O: Right, well. I was __25:58___. I can either repeat it to do it better or.

A: Oh sure, with you on it, I will take another shot on it. So start with an introduction of the book and _____.

O: Okay, let me do a little more formally then. Yeah.

A: Oh ya.






TAGS: book, Neil Z. Miller, Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective.


O: I would like to call your attention to this very great book, Neil Z. Miller, it is called Vaccines: Are They Really Safe And Effective.

Now, I have been trained and holistically educated person

who has been trained to believe that that vaccines are extremely safe and very effective,

I mean everyone is just taught that,

they believe it,

physicians seem to believe it

and the media seems to believe it

but you read what Neil Miller says

and you begin to doubt that.

He did a very careful analysis of the statistics on the safety and efficacy of vaccines,

both in the US and in UK and the data that he presents are just amazing, very startling, for example, you keep hearing about how polio was eradicated because of the Salk & the Sabin vaccines but as he shows, as Neil shows, look at this chart, this shows the percentage of deaths that is decreasing, this is the years, 1923 through 1973 and this heavy line is the US and the other line is the UK and this is where the polio vaccines were introduced, a dead vaccine and a live vaccine, the Salk & the Sabin vaccines and as you can see the death rate was dropping, dropping, and dropping and then the vaccines were added in the picture, and they did not change the drop at all, there is no effect as far as you can see and these vaccines are credited with having eradicated polio, very fascinating, then you take a look at the measles death rate, here is what it says, the measles death rate was decreasing on its own before the vaccine was introduced from 1915 when there was a huge number of deaths that was in 1965, both in the UK, there is two curves, UK on Great Britain and US I should say and the vaccine did not make any difference at all.

There was a vaccine that was introduced,

the death rate was gradually 0,

you don’t hear about that,

here is the same thing with pertussis,

here is the death rate for pertussis in the UK and in the US,

the vaccine was introduced and made no difference at all.

The death rate came dropping,

so what good of those wonderful vaccines except to make money for the drug companies and the physicians who administered them.

Here is another interesting thing that shows here,

do the doctors record adverse affects,

when a parent tells a doctor that my child had a bad reaction to the vaccines,

the doctors are supposed to record it to the government,

they don’t do it,

in this study, 82% did not,

other studies have shown more than 90% of doctors,

simply ignore it when the mother tells them that the child had a seizure or you know,

had a serious reaction,

they usually don’t believe it or they don’t record it,

they don’t have to record,

there is no penalty for failing to record,

so why should they spend a lot of time in postage and energy and filling our reports,

so this is the extremely valuable book that I hope will be widely read;

VACCINES: Are They Really Safe And Effective by Neil Miller,

terrific book,

everyone should read it,

every doctor should be required to read it

and be tested on it.




TITLE: Pharma Funding


IMP: 4


TAGS: Doctors ‘ed & PHARMA funding

A: Would you think if doctors education and the curriculum, is it true that the pharmaceutical industry actually contributes to the universities budgets and helps determine what it is the doctors learn?


O: Absolutely. If you go into any university campus, you will see all these big buildings, the medical schools donated by them, by the drug companies.


A: __29:49___ Is there a rather little conflict of interest.




TITLE: Nutrients vs drugs

TAGS: FDA & Vioxx, Celebrex deaths

IMP: 4



O: Not only that. When the doctor graduates they give them little white bag you know with full of instruments and things that they foster a very dependent relationship between the doctors and the drug companies, the drug companies are looked upon as a big daddy who know everything and provide the money and that is a very very powerful conflict of interest, very recently there has been this scandals at the Food and Drug Administration about the drugs Vioxx, Celebrex and so forth where 100s of 1000s of people have died as a result of taking these drugs and the FDA knew about it that the FDA has such a cosy relationship with these drug companies that they preferred to let the members of the public die rather than tell the truth about the dangers involved in the use of those drugs.


A: Some of the comments I hear sound completely surreal, I hear that these people who work on the FDA advisory board that work normally, sometimes they are actually on loan from the pharmaceutical industry and they actually go back to work after their one year leave, when they were questioned on this, asked if they were in a conflict of interest, apparently there is a waiver issued by the CDC, a one year conflict of interest waiver given to the FDA advisory board, is this for real?



CAT: Politics



IMP: 4

O: I have not heard that particular thing but


there is no doubt whatever that the advisory boards, which are populated by drug experts hired by drug companies are making decisions that favor the drug companies, there is no surprise there at all.


A: Another thing I want to ask you, I don’t know in how much detail you have seen the progression in autism but was this expansion from 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 166 was it a steady flow or did it __31:49___ were there certain events that triggered _____.

O: This is the front page.

A: _____ that graph.

O: Ya, you want to get this graph right here.

A: Okay.



CAT: Autism

TITLE: Frequency

TAGS: Then vs now

IMP: 3

TAGS: Autism frequency


O: This is the first page of the newsletter that we publish, The Autism Research Review and here we have a number of cases of autism starting way back here in 1950, I can read that, it was actually 0 and started to increase gradually, gradually, gradually and then it started to increase more rapidly, this is the epidemic that started about here.


A: Hahn Hahn.

O: Hahn Hahn.


And here is the number of vaccines that the kids were required to take in the first two years of life. In 1940, they took only three vaccines, one shot, that was a DPT shot.


A: Let me start over where as I can see the falling graph. Okay. That is fine. Because now and in the first graph before we move on, when you have the spike going, what year is that spike really starts to take off.


O: It starts to take off right about here, it was about close to 1980 right about here and this is when the even large shot, they had three more shots at the same time.


A: Hahn Hahn.



CAT: Vaccine

TITLE: Increases

TAGS: MMR & the exponential growth US vs UK, 10 years

IMP: 3



O: The Measles, Mumps, and Rubella and they phased it in, you know,

they started using, instead of using individual shots,

they began putting all three together

and they were giving all three together,

you had this huge increase.

I don’t show it on this particular chart, although we have a similar chart for the UK, from Great-Britain and there increase,

their epidemic started 10 years later than ours

and it turns out that their MMR was introduced in Great Britain 10 years later than in the US.



A: Wow. How’s that for a pointed finger. Okay, so now back to the bottom graph, you are mentioning, whether you are looking ahead.


CAT: Vaccine

TITLE: Increases

TAGS: Vaccines, correlation # of & Autism cases

IMP: 3


O: This is the number of vaccine doses at the first two years of life.

In 1940, there were three vaccines given, that was diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis; the DPT shot.

We got one vaccine or one shot and that contained three vaccines and then in 1960 that was increased to 7, 1960 is right, there increased to 7,

and in 1980 it increased to 8 and in 1999 it went up to 16

and in year 2000 it’s 22 vaccines from the first two years of life,

as that trend goes up, the number of cases goes up.

A friend of mine, Mark Blacksil, a researcher in Massachusetts has made a similar chart showing amount of mercury that the kids were getting each year

and it is the same phenomenon when the kids were getting little bit of mercury,

only a small amount of mercury in the vaccines,

there was almost 0

and as the amount of mercury increased, you know,

the cases of autism increased

and so when they started getting huge amounts of mercury,

it became an epidemic.

There are some children who have received in one day 125 times as much mercury and vaccines

as the environmental protection agency considers the maximum allowable upper limit,

125 times the upper limit of safety had been given to some children in one day.




CAT: Vaccine

TITLE: Safety

TAGS: Mercury

IMP: 4

A: And what about the fact that on the EPA standard, the organic, is it organic mercury versus.

O: Its is a methyl versus ethyl mercury

and no one really knows very much about the difference between them,

they are both poisonous,

they may or may not be more poisonous than the other



it is a very toxic substance, no question about it.

It is put in there,

it is put in the vaccines to kill any organisms that get into the vaccine,

it is used as a preservative, it kills anything that comes in that might be alive and so it is a deadly poison,

so why do you put a deadly poison into the veins of children directly into the blood stream, crazy.




CAT: Vaccine

TITLE: Safety

TAGS: Mercury, U of Calgary film on neurons destroyed

IMP: 0


A: I have seen an actual footage on C-span from the Dan Burton committee and it showed the myelin just getting straight.

O: Yes. University of Calgary film on the neurons being destroyed with the mercury, yes.

A: It was University of Calgary, hahn?

O: Ya. Well, it has been shown many times, that is a great film, Canadian University did that.


A: I will write it down, so I wanted to see if I can get permission or I will use some other footage.

O: Okay.

A: Lets see.



CAT: Autism

TITLE: Frequency

TAGS: Bernie’s graph

IMP: 3

O: Here is something that you may want to show. Here is a graph.


( Here is a graph on the paper that I have written couple of years ago, this is a number of cases of autism, this is the years, years go by, this heavy line which is lying here is autism starting at birth and as you can see for many years until about 1980 almost, there were many more cases, twice as on the kids this autism started at birth and then the epidemic started right about here, the late onset the ones with the dotted line starts at 18 months began increasing until now actually the numbers of early onset cases.



A: If this is a proportion change or this is a?


O: Yes, formerly there was almost twice as many early onset cases as late onset cases, now it is the other way around.


A: Hahn Hahn okay.


O: The late onset cases, this dotted line, that is where the huge epidemic has started and that is when they started giving those all those vaccines between the second and third birthday.



A: Okay. Now, when I was interviewing Dr. Vojdani , he mentioned of a conference that he witnessed several children that have been considered irrecoverable by conventional standards actually come forth and describe their own recoveries and hope for the future, as well as the careers theywhere hoping to pursue, have you witnessed these types of dramatic recoveries.

O: We,


I think when it is referring to Dr. _____ Institute.

A: You are saying that you believed he was referring to Dr. _____.

O: Oh yes. Let me start at a different point.




TAGS: Referring to Lou Diamond Phillips interview

IMP: 0


At our recent conference that we held in Los Angeles, we had for the first time in history,

we introduced a number of recovered autistic children to the audience.

We had a film and stage star Lou Diamond Phillips interview the children before the introduction on the stage

and he got on the stage with the children and interviewed them


and we have that footage available,

and I think I gave you that website, which is

and we are going to talk about whether you could use that footage.

You can use the footage of Lou Diamond Phillips,

you can use the colored footage,

you cannot use the black and white that way.






TAGS: Referring to Lou Diamond Phillips interview


A: And what is the difference between.

O: Because the black and white we borrowed from a woman who __40:22___ PBS, special on autism, and so we used some of her footage, so she allowed us to use it because she has some footage of the parents being interviewed.

A: Oh, okay. Its not so much with parents that concern me, I just want to be able to show to the public that the kids can get better.

O: Right.

A: As long as I have some footage of some children showing that.

O: Yes, if you do Lou Diamond Phillips interviewing the kids.

A: That would be great, ya. Just to show that these kids are functional.

O: Ya. The part that you cannot use is the part that she doesn’t have permission.

A: Okay.

O: We got permission to use a footage, I think that you will be able to use it as you like.



CAT: Autism

TITLE: Treatment

TAGS: Diet



A: Okay, okay. So, that is great. What do you consider to be the best treatment for autism?


O: It depends on the child.

You have to try different treatments.

For some children, the best treatment is a gluten and casein free diet avoiding, you know, gluten and casein

and for other children, maybe some of the same children, high doses of vitamin B6 and magnesium for still other children and maybe something different,

it just depends on the child.

The parent has to learn what techniques are available and to try them and try to find out what, you know, every child is different.

You have to find out what will help you one particular child.



A: Maybe you could mention that there is some more detailed information on your web site that parents can actually fill out some questionnaires.

O: Yes.

A: Get some help in diagnosing.


CAT: Autism

TITLE: Diagnosing

TAGS: Online ressources


TAGS: Autism? Online ressources, diagnostic tools


O: Okay, there is a great deal of information about how to diagnose autism and how to treat autism available on our web site on the internet, our web site address is and we have a vast amount of information available free of charge to be downloaded from the web site. We are working on putting on to the web site also many of our defeat autism now conferences, where we have world leaders in the research and treatment of autistic children giving lectures and presentations and if you watch our web site,, you will be able to have access to the most recent up-to-date and most important information available on the treatment of autism.



A: Maybe you can mention the online diagnostic tool.


CAT: Autism

TITLE: Diagnosing

TAGS: Online Diagnostic tool


TAGS: Autism test, Free report


O: Yes, well, Also, available on our web site is our diagnostic checklist Form E2, you can print that out and mail it to us or fax it to us and we will send you a report free of charge. At a later date, we will be able to store it on the internet and give you the results by email. At the present time, we are not doing that. You just simply download it, fill it out or you can write to us. Our address is San Diego and receive the diagnostic checklist completed on the child describing the child, it doesn’t work before the child is 3-1/2 years old by the way, the child is younger than 3-1/2 it’s not going to be effective, then you can send that to us and we will score it and send you a report at no charge.





TITLE: Address



A: Maybe you would like to give the San Diego address.


O: The address here in San Diego is ARI, which stands for Autism Research Institute, 4182 Adams Avenue, San Diego, CA 92116.



A: Okay, I’ve got some more questions on treatment. What are the potential side effects of megadose vitamin therapy, it may be dangerous?



TITLE: Nutrients vs drugs

TAGS: megadose vitamin therapy, dangers?

IMP: 4


O: Megadose vitamin therapy is extraordinarily safe,

no one has been injured with megadose vitamin therapy.

The doctors do not like vitamins,

they like drugs

and so parents are constantly being told that the vitamins are very dangerous,

they are not,

there is virtually no sickness or illness of any kind as a result of overdose of vitamins.

It is possible that if you get huge, literally huge amounts of vitamin A,

it may cause some damage possibly or some illness but it goes away very quickly,

as you take nutrition supplements containing lot of iron,

iron can be toxic but the B vitamins and vitamin C,

some important ones for autism are water soluble

and there is no toxicity at all to worry about.

The danger is not trying it, or not giving enough rather than giving too much.








TAGS: Vitamin A, Safe levels

A: You mentioned huge doses of vitamin A. Could you give us an idea of what would be the huge doses of vitamin A that might potentially be dangerous.


O: A friend of mine reviewed the literature some years ago to see what levels of vitamin A might be toxic,

amounts in excess of 20,000 units a day in infants can be toxic,

so the 5,000 a day that a person would get from a nutritional supplement is totally safe.



A: Because I have actually seen in some cases for treatments of cancer, especially leukemia that they even.

O: Hundred thousand a day or more, sometimes millions.

A: Right. Huge doses of vitamin.

O: Ya. Right.

A: So I guess it really depends on the particular situation.

O: And if you are talking about autism, we are talking about cancer. It is nothing to be concerned about.

A: Okay. And do you find the nutrition really plays that important of a role in person’s behavior.



TITLE: Food Allergies, Nutrition and behavior

TAGS: online sources,


O: There is a huge amount of research, not only with autism but with mental retardation, with schizophrenia, with hyperactivity, which shows very very great benefits from the use of nutritional supplements not only the use of nutritional supplements but the avoidance of foods containing sugar additives and other kinds of things like that. Mostly our research has been done with the use of high doses of nutritional supplements and there is a vast amount of research. A good deal of it can be found on our web site that I mentioned earlier, another web site where you can find a lot of our research is If you go this site, you will come across an index and if you look at vitamins or hyperactivity or whatever substitute you want, you will be lead directly to a whole series of articles on those subjects, it is a very large treasury of information about autism, hyperactivity, nutritional supplements, etc. That is




CAT: Pioneers

TITLE: Dr. Benjamin F. Feingold

TAGS: artificial food colorings

IMP: 3

A: I read a little bit about Benjamin Feingold, could you briefly mention to us what that is all about and what are your thoughts on it.


O: Dr. Ben Feingold, he was a good friend of mine until he died a few years ago, he was a very highly respected pediatric allergist, written textbooks, was very respected, and he discovered that some of the children at his practice became hyperactive when they were given artificial food colorings or flavorings. He discovered it like on the fact that the child was given some prescription drugs that had artificial colorings and the kid began getting all kinds of behavioral problems, so he began looking into the problem and he discovered that there was lot of children who were very susceptible to hyperactivity or other kinds of behavioral problems when they were given these artificial synthetic that is colorings, flavorings and other kinds of chemicals, so he wrote a paper about that and was immediately attacked by his colleagues who didn’t believe it and rather than testing it themselves, they began to attack him but he was correct, the Feingold Association of the US is an organization of parents, very good organization of parents nationwide who advocate taking the artificial colors and flavors away from children who show behavioral problems, such as hyperactivity, learning disabilities, autism, etc.



A: Besides these colorings and additives, is there certain foods in particular that hyperactive kids should avoid or autistic kids should avoid.



TITLE: Food Allergies

TAGS: Sugar

IMP: 4


O: Sugar has a much more adverse affect on the behavior of kids, than most people realize, not only is sugar bad in and out itself it destabilizes the immune system, really diminishes the active immune system but foods containing sugar do not contain for the most part, the vitamins and minerals that the kids need for their nutrition, so if the parent could keep the junk food away from the kids, the kids’ brain will be much better off because behavior will be much better off. Junk food contains not only sugar but artificial colors, flavors, and so forth, preservative, etc.



A: Is it true that fluorescent lights can aggravate hyperactivity.



TITLE: Nutrition & Behavior

TAGS: fluorescent lights can aggravate hyperactivity?

IMP: 2


O: Yes. Fluorescent lights certainly can, in many cases have a very adverse affect on a person’s mood and behavior. A lot of research has been done on that from my own friend, Dr. John odds??? and he has studies of rats and food flies and other kinds of creatures that were given food colorings for example, yellow dye in particular then put under fluorescent lights, they began getting extremely hyperactive to the point where the flies just died of exhaustion, where as you put them under incandescent lights, an ordinary electric lights, that does not happen. In daylight it is even better. The fluorescent lights can be very harmful to many people, that individuals vary, vary enormously in their sensitivity and it is highly desirable that schools do not use fluorescent lights, they are cheaper and they have many advantages but they have the disadvantage that lot of people are sensitive to them.



A: And what other environmental factors could aggravate these conditions.



TITLE: Allergies

TAGS: other aggravating environmental factors


IMP: 2


O: Well, there is a wonderful physician, named Dorris Rapp, who has written a number of books about trials and toxic environment

and he talks about all the chemicals,

the cleaning chemicals for example that are used in schools

and also rug cleaning chemicals and rug protectants, you know, stain protecting chemicals, all those kinds of chemicals also the glues that are use to glue the carpeting down,

there is all kinds of chemicals that some people are very sensitive to.

Additionally particleboard has formaldehyde in it and schools and other buildings and houses that have lots of particle board have your problems

when people who are sensitive to formaldehyde inhale some of those gases.




CAT: Autism

TITLE: treatment

TAGS: behavioral training

IMP: 4

A: Okay. Now, your center has brought a lot of attention to the value of behavioral training. Could you tell us a bit about it or maybe refer us to somewhere where we could look at some more information.


O: On our web site, the autism research institue website,

we have a list of books that we recommend including books on behavioral treatment of autistic and other children.

Dr. lovars ??? ??? Lovars at UCLA is the predominant authority in this field to care his book.

He has found and reported over a period of years that great many autistic children show remarkable improvement if they are taught by the same kinds of methods that were used to teach Helen Keller,

that is called you might say the reward and punishment and not very much of a punishment

but if the child, for example, when Helen Keller wanted to say, wanted water, they wont give her water until she tried to make the word water,

saying wow or something and they would give her some water

and some people think this is cruel not to give her water

when they knew that she wanted water

but by insisting that she try to make the effort to say the word.

She began to learn how to speak,

and autistic children could also be taught using those methods.

Dr. _____ has told me that initially he was ridiculed that people have said you can use those methods like the dog trainer does,

to teach a dog to fetch a stick or to play _____ and rollover

but you cannot help autistic children that way,

well it isn’t true because what you are teaching the autistic children is to pay attention.

The real problem with autism or major problem is that the kids do not know how to pay attention properly,

so by giving on rewards like little bits of food or little bits of water, juice or whatever they want,

you are teaching them that they can accomplish what they want to accomplish by making the effort to pay attention.

Once they pay attention,

they learn how to pay attention

and then they can learn a lot of other things as well.



A: Okay. Great. And what was his book’s title.

O: Who.

A: The doctor whom you were mentioning Institute of UCLA that was the predominant.

O: Oh yes. I can give that but can also __54:04___ but I will do that.

A: Sure.


CAT: Autism

TITLE: treatment

TAGS: behavioral training, aggravating environmenal factors

IMP: 4

BOOKS: Dorris Rapp. A wonderful pediatrician. Is This Your Child’s World, Elar Lowas. Applied behavioral analysis


O: Dorris Rapp. A wonderful pediatrician, Is This Your Child’s World.

Is your child allergic to school.

And she talks about all the different chemicals that are used that makes the kid hyperactive, asthmatic, disruptive, etc.

and she does wonderful job of presenting that information.

This book by Prof. Elar Lowas at UCLA is a wonderful manual for teaching autistic and other individuals to the use of behavioral management techniques.

Applied behavioral analysis, discrete learning and so forth,

a very good manual.


A: Okay.



CAT: Autism

TITLE: Treatment


IMP: 4

BOOKS: treating Autism. Bernard Rimland


O: This recent book, which we published at the autism research institute contains the stories chapters by 34 different families, 8 of whom by the way are MDs, medical doctors, are treated effectively, successfully treated their own autistic children, treating autism by my colleague Steven Edison and myself.


A: And I can get that off the web site as well.


O: This book as well as the Others that I have mentioned can be obtained from our web site, the autism research institute website.



A: There is a question, what is the difference between Asperger syndrome and autism?




TAGS: difference between Asperger syndrome and autism?

IMP: 2


O: There was a great deal of controversy and confusion regarding the relationship between autism and Asperger syndrome.

Some authorities think that high functioning autistic individuals have the same as what Dr. Asperger referred to as Asperger syndrome,

these were individuals who can speak, pretend to be rather pedantic, tend to be rather aloof,

not understanding other people very well

and have rather unusual interests and hobbies

and exclusion of social activities

and the similar description has been applied to individuals with high functioning autism

and there is lot of disagreement as to whether those two conditions, high functioning autism and Asperger are the same.

I think that they are largely the same.

I think many people fall under both categories.

There may be some individuals who are pure Asperger and not autistic,

then maybe some that are autistic while being Asperger.

Eventually have biological markers of some sort.

All we can do is speculate about their relationship.



A: Other than that, one of them, I guess most common question parents ask is will they develop speech, what are the chances or what do we know, how are things looking today.


CAT: Phone call

TITLE: Prof. Jim Adams at Arizona State University???


IMP: 2


incoming phone caller, bump gain to hear


O: You know the guy that I have been referring you to or you and Ericson to is Jim Adams, Prof. Jim Adams at Arizona State University. He is the one who has been working on that and I called his attention, I spoke to him other day and I asked him if he ever got a hold of Erickson, he said it was Erickson and when I said I sent you that memorandum, my letter to him and so he was going to hopefully followup on it, you know, if I had 14 lives I spent one of them following up on these things. Well yeah I think it’s very important.


incoming phone caller, bump gain to hear


As I say Jim Adams has been working on that for some time and


incoming phone caller, bump gain to hear



Yes. Yes. He can get the data. He is a very good guy. Very reliable guy. He is also a parent of an autistic child, so he is very motivated.


That is remarkable and is incredible.

incoming phone caller, bump gain to hear


Okay Please do. Okay. Bye Bye.



I tried to push it on the speakerphone, so you could hear him.

A: I could hear him.

O: Hahaha.

A: Its so crazy thing.

O: Could you hear what he was saying.

A: I could hear. Its somehow the gear picks up some signals and I could hear him just fine. He was talking about magnesium and then again he was talking about 500 times of lead absorption.

O: Ya. I wanted you to _____.

A: I am not sure if the camera picked it up. I left the tape rolling to test it out, I will tell you later if I actually have the conversation on tape but ya I could hear everything just perfectly.

O: I don’t why _____.

A: Ya they are killing me with their batteries but let me switch tapes here before we get started again.

A: Over the next couple of days is going to be blue. I think when I get back to France I am going to sleep for two weeks straight.

Okay, so let us see. Here is what on your web site that I highlighted. I found some really good concise information that you might want to, I do not know if you want to just read that off to give some advice to parents. You know, it basically summarizes a few avenues for them to take. If you want you could just read and write off and then I could just put the information up like maybe some things you are referring to and use your voice over.

B: I will give it a try.

A: Sure.



CAT: Autism

TITLE: Advice to parents

TAGS: First steps

IMP: 4


B: When my wife and I had our autistic son almost 50 years ago,

there was almost nothing that we could do except try to read the research literature and forget what was going on. Now a days, the parents have many more options than before. If I were the parent of a recently diagnosed autistic child, I would contact the developmental disabilities programs in my state, try to find out what services were available. I would try to find about local organizations such as Autism Society or FETE (families for early autism intervention) customer services and information they can offer.

I would try to find a local physician preferably one who is familiar with how to defeat autism now project and

one who is not inclined to start giving drugs to a child.

Drugs are a very bad idea whether it is Ritalin, Risperdal or any other drug.

Autism is never caused by the lack of a drug, so treating the child with a drug is not going to be a very good idea.

Find a doctor who is nutritionally oriented,

who will try to treat your child intelligently

and appropriately with substances like high-dose vitamin B6

and substances of that sort and try to find other parents in the area who are working with the Autism Research Institute or a web site,

or try to find another families in your area who look to the Autism Research Institute for information and advise and you will be well on your way towards helping your child.



A: Question I think we got interrupted on at one point was parents wondering if their child will develop speech. Where are we today on that front?


CAT: Autism

TITLE: Advice to parents

TAGS: Hope for those that don’t speak?

IMP: 4


B: One of the most interesting things that I have discovered is that a great many children who do not speak and a lot of autistic children do not speak do begin to speak very quickly once they are given the high-dose vitamin B6 and magnesium and also in many cases another one of the B vitamins,

it is called DMG (dimethylglycine).

Case after case after case, we have heard of parents who tell us that their child has begun to speak very quickly after being given these nutritional supplements,

so don’t give up hope if your child is not speaking.

Try to find the biomedical approaches that will bring about speech and your child will be on the way to recovery.



A: I found something interesting on the web said about Kirkman Labs. Wonder if you may be wanted to make the same mention. There were only suggested dosages for nutritional supplements where they are asking was is the right dosage for B6, DMG and other nutrients?, and then they ask why do you suggest Kirkman, when there are companies which make similar products, and the you talk about 67 when you put in the request to the 26 companies.

B: That is what we are plugged for.

A: Yeah. Do you want to join in and put in a plug for them?

B: I think not. One of the ways in which people try to discredit is, we are selling for and we are not, so why give them ammunition. If they look around, they will find Kirkman on their own.

A: Okay. So lets see. Another thing that I am bagged on is the vitamin C, so I would like go over a little bit with the page that you had on that. Let me see. Actually, if you could try to may be read through it a little bit, I have highlighted practically the whole thing, but vitamin C is pretty much which took me out of my own chronic asthma and allergies and got me into this whole research.






TAGS: B6 & Magnesium, dosages


B: B6 is very important for asthma too you know.


A: I have taken B100 complex, but I am not sure exactly what it has. I was with Dr. Privitera in Covina who just did a blood sample on me and he said I was deficient on B12 and iron, but I guess the B6 must be okay.


B: You know with B12 we found some very interesting things.

For a long time, the only form of B12 that was widely available was cyanocobalamin.

Now, a number of researches are showing that the methylcobalamin is better.

It is really for autistic children and some people cannot convert the cyanocobalamin to methylcobalamin.


Did you get the stuff from Swanson for example? Swanson vitamin company, anyway autism suffer methylcobalamin, but if you need the B12 I would go for the methylcobalamin rather than the usual type which you may need and you know may not be suitable for you. Anyway, so,


but the B6 in particular is important for asthma and the B100 that you are taking is fine but make sure you get plenty of B6 in particular.

A: So you said plenty of B6, how much would you recommend?

B: I would say 200 mg a day of B6

and you have take extra magnesium anyway.

Everyone should take extra magnesium.

You should be getting at least 400-500 mg a day of extra magnesium beyond what you get in your food.



A: What I have highlighted are in the vitamin C page because it touches to a lot of the other research that I am doing in the article and I like the way that you enlightened to how it helps the brain and the chemistry of the brain and also you went into some sites.

B: I know exactly what you want. I will just read this if you want.

A: Yeah that will be great.

B: Okay. Go ahead.

A: You can just read into it. I can always cut myself up and ask for this. That is no problem.






TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: Autism & all, uses & dosages

IMP: 4


B: I have been studying vitamin C for many many years and I am just a very strong proponent of everyone taking supplements of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an extremely safe substance, which is immensely beneficial to the brain and the body in a multitude of ways. Its potential for preventing and treating autism has barely been touched. Vitamin C is heavily concentrated in the brain, but its exact relevant brain function is not understood. A recent Medline search of the medical literature turned out 400 references referring to vitamin C in the brain but the mystery remains. We don’t need to understand its biochemistry to know that vitamin C is crucial in brain function.



A: Here we could just slow it down, just a touch. We are going into some heavy information and people need to kind of absorb that well. It is really for the layman for the public so, some of these words are kind of already hard on by themselves. Give them a chance to soak it in and you could take your time. Now, I will not break through your voice.

B: I don’t think they care about the 400 references available in C summary.



TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: Autism & all

IMP: 4


We don’t need to understand the biochemistry of vitamin C to know that vitamin C is crucial to brain function.

The earliest sign of vitamin C deficiency are confusion and depression.

Vitamin C also improves cognition or understanding as shown by increased IQ scores in both normal children and children with Down’s syndrome.

However studies have shown improved ectroencephalographs and alertness as measured in many ways.

Dr. Hoffer and Osmond in a series of brilliant studies assure that vitamin C is very effective in helping treat people with schizophrenia.

Most of what we hear of vitamin C relates to its role in destroying viruses and bacteria.





TITLE: Kalokerinos

TAGS: Vaccines

IMP: 4


In one of my publications,

I discussed the work of an Australian physician

Archie Kalokerinos

who used vitamin C

to reduce the vaccine caused death rate of the children

in Australia from 50% to zero.

In other words,

one of their every two of these Australian children infants died

before the vitamin C was introduced earlier in their life

and then the death rate dropped to zero instead of 50%.




TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: Heavy Metal Chelation, Lead

IMP: 4

BOOKS: Irwin Stone. the healing factor


The vitamin C’s anti-germ defense is only one of its many roles in the body.

Irwin Stone’s excellent book the healing factor vitamin C against disease discusses many other ways in which vitamin C protects the body against substances implicated as causing some cases of autism.

A few examples, toxins.

Stone reviews a number of studies starting in the 1930s showing that

industrial workers suffering from lead poisoning as a result of their exposure

to lead in smelters, lead mines, storage battery plants

and the like experienced quick relief from their mental and physical symptoms

when they were given vitamin C supplements.

He discussed a 1940 case many years ago

when a 27-month-old child

who had eaten materials containing lead

who improved greatly

when given vitamin C supplements.

A Chinese study showed that

when you take 100 tadpoles

and put them into water with a high lead content

and then remove them

and put them into either plain water or water containing vitamin C,

you would find six days later that the tadpoles in the water

with the vitamin C were still alive;

all the tadpoles were alive.

88% of the tadpoles that were put into plain water had died,





TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: Heavy Metal Chelation, Mercury, Poisons

IMP: 4

BOOKS: Irwin Stone. the healing factor


B: Tremendous powerful effect against toxicity of vitamin C. (reads title)

He also discussed the protective effect of vitamin C against mercury, arsenic, benzine and other chemicals as well as such organic poisons as botulism, snakebites, spider and scorpion bites and bacterial toxins.





TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: autism

IMP: 4

BOOKS: Irwin Stone. the healing factor


One study was done on vitamin C and autism

when they found that about 20 mg of vitamin B6 per pound of body weight,

the vitamin C was not very helpful.

However, a later study by Dulski and Company found that

giving 52 mg per pound per day

as a treatment for autism

showed a great improvement in the autistic patients.

In our first study,

we had used too small a dosage of vitamin C to be effective.

Nobody knows what the outcome of vitamin C for autism is,

but it is extremely safe even in massive doses,

so it will be well to find out what the best dose is for autism.




CAT: Catchart

TITLE: Dosage

TAGS: Titrating

IMP: 3

What is the safe dose of vitamin C?

You can give a lot of vitamin C very safely.

Vitamin C expert,

Robert Cathcart proposes the bowel tolerance method of determining your own vitamin C requirement.

You simply take increasing large amounts of vitamin C each day until your body reaches the vitamin C saturation point.

Going beyond that level, the vitamin C becomes a laxative.

For most people in good health,

the well-tolerated levels tend to be about 10-15 grams of vitamin C per day.

If you start to get sick,

your body requires more vitamin C

and your bowel tolerance may rise to 30 or more grams per day.





TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: Terminal stage B Hodgkin’s disease

IMP: 4


When my own teenage daughter was diagnosed

with terminal stage B Hodgkin’s disease in 1974.

I put her on 40 g of vitamin C per day.

Her doctors were startled.

“You will kill her,” they said.

“Nonsense” I replied.

She recovered quickly and now many years later,

she is in vibrant good health

and she has written nine books in the last few years.



A: That was off of Dr. Cathcart’s web site. That particular case of Hodgkin’s was it not?

B: No. I had that in my article on vitamin C and autism.

A: Who is talking there?

B: I am and it is my daughter.

A: Your daughter had Hodgkin’s?

B: Yeah.

A: Really and you put her on 40 g.

B: You usually have grains here and it is grams.

A: Maybe you could give us a little bit of information on that. I was wondering if it was actually you.

B: Yeah.

A: But I was not sure if it was just a quote.

B: No.

A: Wow. Could Joanna maybe talk to us a little bit about that? It is funny because when I had started my research, I had seen that quote somewhere, I had written it down, I said you gotta find this guy and talk to him as well because I had not seen mention of that and John Hodgkin’s anywhere else and then I could never find where that reference was and now here I come full circle and it was actually you. That’s great!!!! Okay, so, yeah tell us a little bit about the history on that. When is it that you discover? When was your daughter diagnosed? How did it come about?



TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: Terminal stage B Hodgkin’s disease

IMP: 5



When my daughter was a teenager back in 1974,

she began feeling very sick and very weak

and she began to lose weight.

We took her to a pediatrician three or four times.

He could find nothing wrong with her.

Eventually, she got to be so sick

that the nurse sent her home from school

saying she could not function anymore.

We took her back to the doctor.

He did some blood tests

and he could not believe what he saw,

so he took her to the medical center

and he found that she had stage IVB Hodgkin’s disease.

There are eight stages of Hodgkin’s disease

running from IA to IVB and the worse is IVB,

which is considered terminal

and that is what she had.

She had just a few months to live, at that time,

we were told.

They started putting her on chemotherapy,

which they said had not much of a chance to help her

since it only worked on the first few stages

and not on the terminal stage.

So, we started her on that

and I also started her on vitamin C.

I was referring to Linus Pauling

who at that time was doing a lot of writing about vitamin C

and I decided to give her 40 g a day of vitamin C orally.

We could not get anyone

to do this intravenously at that time.

She weighed only about 80 pounds at that time

when she was very sick,

so that was a huge amount of vitamin C for her.

It was 526 mg per pound.


A: As you are saying, for her weight that would end up being _____.


B: Yeah, 40 g a day of vitamin C for her body weight amounted to 526 mg/pound of body weight.

The doctors at the University Medical Center were startled.

They could not believe it.

“It will kill her,”

they said with that much vitamin C.

“Nonsense” I replied

and we kept giving her the vitamin C.

It was on Memorial Day that she entered the hospital

and we were told that she would never leave alive.

Well, she did leave at the end of the summer.

She went to high school,

got straight As, graduated

and she is now written eight or nine books

and she is alive and well

and still taking lots of vitamin C,

not as much now as she did then.





TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: Cancer, Leukemia

IMP: 5


B: The interesting thing is that I kept telling the doctors in the Pediatric/Oncology

of the child cancer ward about how

she was improving on the vitamin C

and I kept giving them literature

showing that a child

who had leukemia also responded to vitamin C.

They paid absolutely no attention to what I told them.

I gave them papers written by Linus Pauling and others.

They never looked at the papers.

They just simply would not believe

what their own eyes were telling them

about this child improving.




TITLE: Vitamin C

TAGS: Cancer, Leukemia

IMP: 5


There were a couple of other mothers in the Pediatric/Oncology ward

who had been reading about vitamin C

and were giving their childhood leukemia kids vitamin C

and those kids were improving.

All of the other kids were dying

and those doctors refused to pay attention.

They were just so convinced that the vitamin C was useless

that they wouldn’t pay attention

to the fact that right in front of their own eyes

there were children who were recovering.



A: I find it hard to believe that in front of evidence, I mean these doctors, these clinics, these institutes; what is your take on why they just cannot seem to wrap their head around it.



TITLE: Nutrients vs Drugs

TAGS: Doctors ignore evidence

IMP: 4


B: This prejudice against nutrition has been going on for centuries.

In fact, I have been working on a book for a longtime on this very subject.

There are literally hundreds of cases

where the medical establishment simply refuses to pay attention to nutrition as a treatment

even though Hypocrites said

in the early history of medicine

that food is the best medicine.

They just do not believe it.

They have been trained that only drugs work

and they ignore all the evidence on the contrary.



A: It just seems shocking that with as sensitive as you know a biochemical unit is, now is; all these diseases, all these things that are happening, does it not seem reasonable that what we are putting into our bodies could have something to do with it.

B: You talked about Kirkman Labs. I got a phone call from Kirkman Labs. The owner of this not for it. I do not care.

A: Maybe you do not want to just say. I do no think that you know any number of studies will ever bring the establishment around. These have already been too many. What I would like to know is what do you think could be done lets say from the side of public or what needs to be done in order to change this? How can we force the establishment to factor in this equation. How do we force the curriculum to change for our doctors? There is almost no nutritional education for doctors. What needs to be done? Would you like to may be go over whether or not you think studies will change anything and what has to happen.



TITLE: Nutrients vs Drugs

TAGS: Doctors ignore evidence

SUBTAGS: what needs to be done?

IMP: 5

B: Okay.


I have been a full time research scientist for over 50 years now.

I continue to be amazed at how consistently the medical establishment ignores the evidence showing that there are many nutritional solutions to the problems of health and well being.

Study after study after study gets completed, published and it makes no difference whatever to the medical establishment.

They are so hooked on the idea that the only thing that is helpful and useful is drugs

that they will simply pay no attention

and they simply deny that the studies exist.





TITLE: Nutrients vs Drugs

TAGS: Doctors ignore evidence

SUBTAGS: 11 dbl dblinds

IMP: 5


In the case of autism, there are about 22 studies that have been done,

all of which show that vitamin B6 is helpful.

Eleven of the studies have been double-blind placebo control studies.

They are old standard of studies.

They ignore it totally.





TITLE: Nutrients vs Drugs

TAGS: Doctors ignore evidence

SUBTAGS: Designed to fail

IMP: 3


The only study that failed to show that B6 was helpful was done in only nine children,

and the author of this study has set out to prove that B6 did not work.

He did the study on nine children;

Did a very-very poor study and claimed that it showed that it did not work.

I claim otherwise, but still the score is like 22:1 in favor of vitamin B6.

helping autistic children and I can show you half a dozen textbooks,

which will claim that there is no evidence that vitamin B6 or any vitamin helps autistic children.





TITLE: Nutrients vs Drugs

TAGS: Doctors ignore evidence

SUBTAGS: Designed to fail

IMP: 4


The medical establishments mind is made up.

The only thing that would change them is I think is what is already happening,

that the general public has gotten disillusioned with the failure of drugs to be as good as they think,

as they have been led to believe.





TITLE: Nutrients vs Drugs

TAGS: Viox

IMP: 5


All these statin drugs turn out to cause as many deaths as they save, Vioxx, Celebrex,

and all those things cause hundreds and thousands of people to die and the public is getting fed up, I think,

and beginning to lose lot of respect for the honesty and credibility of the medical establishment.





TITLE: Nutrients vs Drugs

TAGS: What needs to be done

IMP: 4


I think, the only thing that is going to change things is for the public to vote for on their feet.

They are voting for alternative medicine instead of establishment medicine

because they can see that establishment medicine is not only not very good

but is also very harmful in many cases.



A: What is your take on how familiar are you with the vote of CodeX issue?

B: Not very.

A: Not very.

B: No. I know desperately you know it is a dangerous issue but I have only got 60-80 hours a week to work. I am just very concerned about it.

A: My take is that it is pretty much been formulated since you know to say it passed in 1994 and they were not able to stop this whole alternative advance. It is a roundabout way.

B: Oh there is no question.

A: It is a roundabout way of coming back to eventually force the U.S. incident through World Trade Harmonization Laws to crush the back of the alternative industry here because it is costing too much money.

B: There is no question. That is true. I am hoping that, you know, if I had a couple of clones I would put several of them full time in fighting that battle, but you know you cannot fight every single battle. We have had articles in our newsletter about that. It only reaches a few thousand people, 5, 6, 7000 people.

A: Just in the UK, they had a million people sign a petition not to be harmonized into the supplement laws. In Europe, a legislation went past without any heed to them whatsoever.

B: Really!

A: and it is in August of this year in Europe that all the upper limits are going to be imposed and I think 75% of the supplements on market are going to be taken off. Basically, onus is now on the alternative industry to prove that something is safe before it can be sold, so it is about a 200 million dollar dossier that needs to be created and it is basically crushing the back of the alternative industry worldwide, so pretty much…..

B: You are right.

B: So a million people ignoring, I did not know, how did they react to this? Do they take to the streets? How are they doing?

A: No. They are still trying to fight the legislation for the whole European legislation issue of Code X, so the UK is being harmonized and now there was a hearing in January and I think we are going to get results. The lead judge went in favor of the alternative industry, but often these judges are ignorant, so we will fight it out in August and we will get some input right before August on the judge’s decision.

B: However, in some places, in Norway and Sweden you could buy 15-20 mg tablets of zinc, you know, for 2-3$ and once this harmonization thing went in, I got a prescription item for 6-7$.

A: Yeah! I heard bottled, I think in Seattle, I am not sure outside that, but I think in Germany now it is up to 152$ dollars for something that was 13 dollars before.







B: Anyway, all it does is just gets me very very scary. I would certainly hope that in this country and also in the UK that people just would not tolerate it.


A: We are looking at the upper limit for vitamin C 250 mg a day, I think Niacin is 25 mg if I am not mistaken.

B: A course with a B6 or not. Anyway, I am very very upset, you know, how many battles can you fight?

A: Right, well! I mean basically if they are going to remove our access to supplements, it basically crashes the back of all battles. Then what is the good of telling people that they can treat people with stuff if they cannot get their hands on it,

so now basically what is going to happen is supplements are becoming pharmaceuticals.

They could not make drugs good enough,

so they are thinking of vitamins and selling them to us as drugs.

B: And huge enrolling.

A: A huge inflation is on.

B: Yeah that is right.






B: Now, something has got to be done.

A: Yeah.

B: And, I do not know the answer to that.


A: Well, I am hoping, you know, I am trying to do my share to get the word out, but I know I will never be on the theater with this movie, so I am hoping just through the alternative industry already with all the people with their web sites that I can start getting the DVD out on the web and I am going to try to go for Cannes Film Festival next summer.

B: Great.

A: So, if that goes well, I have got a professional editor who is a childhood friend of mine who is going to go through all the footage at the end when I cut it up and get my point across. He is going to dress it up and he is a magician so it should come together pretty nicely. I mean there is definitely content. I am going through autism. I am going through Privitera’s work with cancer. I have interviewed some of his cancer patients in remission, one who is 28 years and one who is 17 years. He has given me one of each basically, ovarian cancer, lymphoma, breast cancer and leukemia.

B: Do you work on prostate cancer?

A: I am sure, he is stacked with tons of work. I am pretty much going for the people that I know that are suffering from something that I have not been focusing on. However, my friends will need to hear this first, so I guess, that is the way that kind of goes sometimes. Everybody is trying to save their own. Yeah, it is scary stuff. I am hoping eventually to help make a fuss about it in the U.S., so that one more time the U.S. can then make enough noise for us to be safe back in Europe and will return all this, but otherwise with the trade harmonization laws as we are all pretty much bent over a barrel. I am not going to torture you with the reading of the FDA letter and all that. I mean if it is okay with you that I read it off. I will just show the letter and voice over because I do not want to break your voice for the entire conference.